Thursday, October 21, 2010

NPR Fires Analyst/Correspondent Juan Williams

For what it's worth, I disagree with National Public Radio's decision to fire Juan Williams. Of course, I say that not knowing, what, if anything else between Williams and the network led up to his dismissal. And also not knowing what restrictions NPR placed on his Fox appearances, if any.

I just think that Americans must have these conversations about our fears. We must have them in public and if they are generated by analysts or commentators or columnists so be it.

Because then folks can respond. Then folks can say "look, 99.9 % of Muslims are NOT out to commit acts of violence" or "hey, you CAN'T get HIV by shaking a gay person's hand" or as Jimmy Tingle says, "immigrants are not TAKING our jobs, they're DOING our jobs."

My point is, our task as journalists (and citizens) is to find the "best available version of the truth" - to quote Carl Bernstein - and we can't do that if we suppress dialogue.


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